Thursday, December 3, 2009

If this is your first visit to Where the Blog are you go here to find out more. Don't forget the key is in the comments so go to town, both on this site and the featured bloggers!

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Hi there, whoever is still out there.

Thanks to those who have contacted me over the past few months to register there interest in being listed on this blog. I've been in a bit of a hiatus for a while, but I'm back now...I think!

You can read more here (apologies in advance for the strong tone of that post).

So, where to from here for WTBAY? I've been travelling around the blogosphere the last couple of days and see more than one blog such as this one, that has also fallen over this year.

Is there a place for this blog? Is it valuable to you and to a community of Aussie bloggers? If yes, what should it look like and do I have the time to maintain it?? These are the questions going through my mind, and the questions I intend to consider over the Summer.

To this end, it would be of great help to me if you could take the poll I have set up on this blog which is on the left sidebar. The poll asks you to tell me which features you would like to see on WTBAY. The first answer is Blog Directory ONLY - ie you are only interested in this a blog directory, nothing else. The remainder of the questions refer to other options you might value in this blog. (you will have to actually visit the blog, not just read this in your reader/email to take the poll and I would REALLY appreciate you doing this, thanks!)

Any other thoughts you have can be made either in the comments on this post or by emailing me

For now I continue to write on my personal blog: Life as we know it


Lynda said...

Howdy stranger... long time no see.

Since we last spoke.. I managed to accidently delete my entire blog.. all 250 posts and two years of work. I cried.. a lot.

Then I moved from Egypt to Germany.. and still haven't had time to take myself off all those blogrolls where I am listed as Aussie in Egypt (best do that.. people keep asking me questions I can no longer answer)

But, and now I will come to the point... I found some fantastic Aussie bloggers and new mates through WTBAY. Hope it gets back up and running soon.
Lulu (now in Germany.. not Egypt)

Louisa Claire said...

Hey Lynda, long time indeed! Thanks so much for commenting here. I was wondering where to start and it shall be with updating your blog details here to reflect your changes.

I am so sorry about your blog - that must have been devastating; all that work!! It makes me wonder, do you (now) know if there's a way to back up all your posts? I can totally see myself doing something similar one day which would suck!!

Thanks for your comments. Is there anything that you've found particularly helpful when it comes to connecting with other bloggers, either here or elsewhere online. Is there anything you are particularly interested in finding? Any and all comments and thoughts are welcome!

Thanks again, Louisa

Les said...

Hi Louisa - it has been a long time. Hope you got your sumo okay. We all go through dry patches. I have been distracted to the point I write to my blogs 2-3 times a week.

That's all you need - write 2-3 time a week and you stay in contact with everyone and they stay in contact with you.

I think we need a decent community blog where all aussie bloggers can come together.

Have a good day and a fab Christmas


Louisa Claire said...

Hey Les,
Thanks for commenting. Yes, I did get the sumo and we love it! YAY! Thanks so much :)

I'd love to hear more about what your ideal community blog for aussies would look like, include etc... if you've got a couple of minutes to either write back here or email me at


♥ Braja said...

Wondered where you'd got to :) Nice to see you back. Good poll, and good to see the results of it too....

Tash said...

Hey! Great to see you back, and about!
I loved discovering new bloggers, and having bloggers find and post on my blog. That sense of spirit really helped with a reason to write sometimes, being assured of an audience at leats sometimes.
The little comps/challenges, around comments, were also good, cos it got you clicking around and finding new people's writing.

Anonymous said...

Done, sorted and Louise I have sent you an email.

If anyone else out there uses Firefox, you might not be able to see the poll - I had to go into IE to do it, so I hope others have this option as well.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see this up and running again! I'm all for continuing this community because I managed to follow some amazing Aussie blogs starting from here. Done the poll and looking forward to 2010 with Where the Blog Are you! :)

Mistress B said...

Hi Louisa.

Sometimes, as we bloggers all quite well know, life just gets in the way. My thoughts are that perhaps a collaborative blog would work better that way when you are tired or busy, then one of the other writers (hopefully) won't be.

And you can set up a twitter account to automatically publish a link to your posts without you needing to long into twitter all the time.

prashant said...

I was wondering where to start and it shall be with updating your blog details here to reflect your changes.

Work from home India

Andrew LIM said...

Would like to get in touch with you on mobilizing your blog site for free. More info available at You can even preview how your blog will look on the mobile by clicking on the 'Test it now' icon on the left of the page. Any question, pls contact me at

Anonymous said...

Please come on and post your reviews on Facebook
bcoz we collect agrasiv data from members bcoz we muslims want to permanant block facebook

Louisa Claire said...

It's been almost 10 months since I last posted here but I'm back and SO EXCITED to tell you that so is WTBAY.


We're moving - to a new community page that will enable us to be far more interactive than has been possible on this blog.

Bookmark it now and head on over -

Then make sure you grab the button and write about it on your blog so we can spread the word!

If you've emailed me in the past 10 months wanting to join, I apologise that you have not had a reply. Now is the time to let me know again that you'd like your blog added to the directory - you can do this by emailing me at or better yet but heading over to the new site:

joining up and leaving me a message.

I'm excited! I hope you are too... :)